Friday, March 21, 2014

Camping Survival Guide

So this weekend is the annual Plauche Family Camping trip (click here) . In case you guys were unaware, I do not like camping or the outdoors. However, I will make the best of the trip this year. I compiled a little guide of what I am going to bring on my adventure!

  1. GinZing Energy Boosting Moisturizer  - I LOVE this moisturizer. It makes my skin appear vibrant and awake. I totally need this for my trip that way I will look happy even if I am miserable. 
  2. Sunglasses - Sunglasses are a must when camping. I hate nothing more than the sun blocking my eyes and my view of beautiful nature (sarcasm intended). 
  3. Tee Shirt - I love this twist on a classic white tee shirt. It is like a glamorous peplum, crop white tee! & it's only $16!!!!!
  4. Jean Shorts - High waisted shorts are one of my summer/spring staples. They make everyone's butt look great (well most people when wearing them properly). It's also super comforting knowing that you won't have to worried about whale tailing it whenever you sit down (google it). 
  5. OFF! Bug Repellent - for the obvious reasons
  6. Converse - These are such a fabulous pair of converse. I don't really do tennis shoes but I would absolutely wear these. 
  7. Dry Shampoo - I tend to play with my hair a lot and the fact that I'm outdoors will be contributing factors to my hair getting greasy. Dry shampoo is quite a savior. 
  8. Trail Mix - I have a serious hanger management problem so I want to be prepared. 
  9. Magazines - For my entertainment purposes while my family is hiking and such I will catch up on all of my magazines!

I will obviously pack the other essentials too (toothbrush, pjs, facewash, etc). It'll be interesting to see how my weekend will go... I'll share pics! Now off to the *great* outdoors.


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