Saturday, March 30, 2013

Paris Day 2

Today was wonderful once again! We literally all over. My feet bled. I was told to wear sensible shoes but these were the only ones that looked okay with my outfit, so obviously the only choice. They were worth it because I looked fabulous. This morning we went to the Paris Haute Couture exhibit which was probably the highlight of my fashion life. Then we went to the Shakespeare and Co. bookstore and the Luxembourg gardens. We did a few other things but those were for sure the high light! I had a great time but I really need to rest my eyes and my poor poor bloody feet.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Paris Day 1

My first day in this magical city was wonderful! Although jet lag made me drowsy, we made some serious ground. We saw the Arc de Triumph and looked at all of the designer fashions in the Galleries de Lafayette. We finished off the day by eating fresh baguettes with cheese while watching Ratatouille. Can't wait for my day tomorrow, but first I need to catch up on my rest. Au revoir!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Off to Paris!

I'll will keep my little chickens updated while I'm in Paris! I will be sure to post about my outfits, the sights, and food! Keep checking I'll try to have a little something up every night. Adieu mes amours!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring '13

As we are now entering into spring it is time to choose my favorite spring fashions! This is a time for fresh colors and statement pieces. Easily one of my favorite seasons to dress for..
  • 60's prints
    • They are totally having a moment here people. So classic yet so new. Louis Vuitton's spring 2013 collection encompasses these prints. But they are not limited to checkered designs, bold stripes and controlled polka dots work as well.

  • White
    • Although we all know black on black is my thing, this season I am making it a point to try the ever-so-fresh look of white on white. This is the classic color of spring and if done the right way can make a HUGE style statement. 
  • Bold Lipstick
    • Spring is the time to wear brighter lipsticks. I prefer hot pinks, cotton candy pinks, and oranges. So fun! Emma Stone is a master of lipsticks (obviously.. Revlon chose her to endorce their lipsticks).                         
  • Fun colored bags
    • I just purchased a blush colored purse for the spring season! This is the perfect time to stray from a typical black/white/camel/taupe bag and pull off a color as a neautral. Obviously there can be colorful clutches for special occasions but this is one of the only seasons that you can carry a colored bag around all the time regardless of what your wearing! How fun is that? **all bags courtesy of Urban Outfitters** yes the pink one featured is my own

Monday, March 11, 2013

Things I Hate

I am not a bitter person, believe me, but there are some (a lot) of things in this world that really put me on edge.

*Ketchup. It is disgusting

*Boutique style clothing. HATE IT. It is far too "trendy" and it all looks exactly the same... the same material, the same bright colors, the same cheesy patterns... ugh I seriously can't stand it. When I see people who wear boutique-style clothing it literally makes me mad, please stop trying so hard.

*Copiers. Please find your own thing.

*Basically the rest of the world while I am driving. (see video)

*Orange tans. Need I say more?

*Pantylines. Please invest in a thong... or just don't wear panties, see what I care, as long as there is no mysterious lines running across your butt telling stories of the granny panties your wearing.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

all good things must come to an end

Well, as I prepared myself for the end of the year cheerleading banquet I came to a sad realization that this is the end of this squad. Sure, I will cheer again next year for my senior year but it will be with a totally different squad. For the current seniors, their cheerleading career is coming to an end. I am the type of person who never wants to see things end, I cried for a solid two hours when I finished Gossip Girl. But if things never end then you can never move on. If I were to never finish sulking over my back injury (which don't get me wrong, I still do sometimes) then I would never be where I am right now, which is walking and even better than that, I'm cheering! Now I am finished with that whole chapter and I am moving onto to the next. So even though the end brings tears and goodbyes, it is the perfect time to reminisce on everything it has taught you and all the great memories it has bestowed upon your heart. I am surely going to miss all of my senior friends, but I genuinely cannot wait to become close with the new squad next year.

***this is dedicated to STM varisty 2012-2013*** cocky bitchez forever
